Horned Clubtail

Horned Clubtail
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Suborder: Anisoptera
Family: Gomphidae
Genus: Arigomphus
Species: A. cornutus
Binomial name
Arigomphus cornutus
(Tough, 1900)

The Horned Clubtail (Arigomphus cornutus) is a clubtail dragonfly of Canada and the United States.

The Horned Clubtail is 2.2 inches (56 mm) long and lacks an abdominal club. It has a greenish thorax with black stripes and a black abdomen with a light stripe along the top. It has blue eyes and black legs. The male has distinctive wide forked yellow claspers, shaped like cow horns. The female looks similar to the male. Both sexes have a large sloped bridge between the eyes.

The Horned Clubtail lives in ponds and sluggish streams. Its range includes Canada and several U.S. states:
